Sunday 15 December 2013

Why Always Me?

"Why Always Me"
Why always me,

Gets the heart broken?

Why always my true feelings,

Remain unspoken?

You showed me,

Such a lot fantasies,

I dreamed it way too much;

Playing together in the daisies..

I got attached to you so fast,

And hoped the setbacks would settle;

My world for you was so vast,

And you made it so little.

Why me, to your love fell a pray,

Why, dreaming of you, I'd idly lay.

Why you crushed all my feelings in a second,

Why I considered you, an Angel from Heaven..

Why you stared at me,

Though I wanted much more,

Why you threw me out of your heart,

And I kept you in the core..

Why now, why you ignore me?

Why, at first, you became my destiny.

Why, why you proved love a lie,

Why, why you bade that last goodbye..

If you still care,

Answer all my 'why's,

Please come back to me,

Fear no word from me; No fies...!

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